EASY SKIPS, together with The Glass Company is busy starting a project in Gaborone. Easy Skips recycling skips will be place around Gaborone for the collection of glass. The skips will then be collected and transported to The Glass Company recycling plant.


  1. Conserves our natural resources. Over a ton of natural resources are saved for every ton of glass containers recycled.
  2. Reduces our carbon footprint. Taking into account the transportation and processing, for every ton of glass made out of recycled glass, 315kg of CO2 emissions are saved.
  3. Saves energy. Recycling just one bottle saves enough energy to power a 20W CFL light bulb for 5 hours, thus reducing the environmental impact of global warming.
  4. Conserves landfill space. Recycling glass allows for the better management of landfill sites, which in turn benefits the lifespan of the site.
  5. Serves as a source of income. Unemployed people are able to earn an income by collecting and selling the glass to buy-back centres.
  6. Glass is 100% recyclable. A glass container can be recycled infinitely without losing its quality and value.
  7. There is less air pollution. When incorporating waste glass (cullet) in the production of new glass packaging, there is an average of 20% less air pollution than when a new glass container is made from raw material.
  8. There is less water pollution. When incorporating waste glass (cullet) in the production of new glass packaging, there is an average of 50% less water pollution than when a new glass container is made from raw material.
  9. It has educational value. Our children will grow up valuing the importance of recycling and caring for the environment and their fellow man.
  10. Glass recycling is easy. There’s a glass bank close to you!

Courtesy of www.theglassrecyclingcompany.co.za



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